Our Story

Welcome to Jack and JoJo! We are so happy to have you here. 

Jack and JoJo started out as a dream to build ease into the lives of parents and find ways to make little babies as happy as can be. I imagined the idea of zippered onesies when I found myself continually opting for a zippered pajama to dress my baby girl in rather than onesies. I started thinking about why that was and realized that dealing with putting clothes over her tiny wobbly newborn head was stressful. That blowouts really had no good options for getting those dirty clothes off of her. That when I put a onesie over her head as she got a little bigger that she fought it and fussed about it. And that when she got a little more mobile that snapping a onesie was near impossible. That's the moment that I asked myself, why don't onesies have zippers? After that I started asking friends with babies and they had the same experiences/struggles that I did! Then we started on the journey to find the perfect partner to design and manufacture my dream and here we are today. Its been a long process to get it just right and we are beyond excited to see happier babies and happier families everywhere! 

As for me, my name is Vicki and I am beyond blessed with the most amazing family. My husband's name is Fouad and my children are Jack and Jolie (we call her JoJo as a nickname). I have always had the entrepreneurial spirit and my family is made up of small business owners, so I have had the opportunity to watch them build great businesses. Coming out of college I took the more traditional path and entered the corporate world and have grown a career that I love. Through that time I have continuously thought about how I can do more and build something amazing. I am beyond thankful for this opportunity and the support of family and friends who have believed in me to make this possible. 

Thank you for being here, lets make dressing easy!

With love and gratitude, 
